Trump’s Second Term Echos the Warning in Revelations

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There is a reason why some of Trump’s fundamentalist Christian followers are not particularly concerned with the current breakdown of the federal system: they are awaiting the rapture. The concept of living out eternity on Earth as one of the chosen few is likened to a drug.

The similarities between current events and some interpretations of the Bible are hard to ignore. The Antichrist is described as a figure of great influence who bears the “mark of the beast” on his head. Some have drawn comparisons to the MAGA hats that have become familiar symbols. While the fabled “666” meaning remains undecoded, the rest seems apparent to some.

Trump has already assembled his generals, whom some interpret as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse described in the Bible. They are:

  • Conquest: Rides a white horse, carrying a bow and wearing a crown. (Kristi Noem)
  • War: Rides a red horse, carrying a sword. (Pete Hegseth)
  • Famine: Rides a black horse, carrying a pair of scales. (Chris Wright)
  • Death: Rides a pale horse and is named Death. (Robert Kennedy Jr.)

There may be room for more figures, but only four horsemen are mentioned in the Bible—and Johnny Cash’s final album.

To cap off these comparisons, there was a frightening day last summer in Pennsylvania when an assassin’s bullet grazed the president’s ear. Many pointed to Revelation 13:3: “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”

There are many other pieces in the books of John and Revelation about things that must transpire. Some believe that the Gospel must be preached worldwide before Christ returns. Many theologians see the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 as a significant sign that the “Rebirth of Israel” has already occurred. The ongoing struggles there are an almost daily reminder.

Much remains to be discussed about these prophecies. It is believed that the Temple of Jerusalem must be built for a third time before the beast can destroy it again. However, a Muslim temple currently sits on the temple mount. Some believe this prophecy is symbolic of the people of Jerusalem, while others believe a physical temple must be rebuilt. There are even Christian organizations in the United States that raise money to support this cause. They are so eager to be part of the rapture that they are willing to fund its emergence into the world.

The world is said to experience increased immorality, rebellion against God, and a general “falling away” from faith. Many would say this has already happened, and even some leaders display these attributes. Over the last 60 years, the acceptance of abortion and gay marriage—which were not present in the 1950s—is viewed by some as evidence of moral decay.

There are also supposed to be cosmic signs. It is uncertain how Trump could be associated with such events, but North America has experienced two full eclipses since 2017 and intense Northern Lights. Starlink could even be thrown in just to make it fun. While these events have scientific explanations, they can appear cosmic if viewed without a scientific lens.

Finally, there are wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, and other natural disasters—all of which are happening now. There is much talk of a Third World War. Putting all of this together can feel unnerving.

Solace may be found in Matthew 24:36 (NIV), where Jesus said: “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” This suggests that false signs of prophecy may be present. However, there are certainly people who are taking these signs to heart, which may explain their actions and beliefs today.

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