Category: Opinion

  • Trump’s Second Term Echos the Warning in Revelations

    Trump’s Second Term Echos the Warning in Revelations

    There is a reason why some of Trump’s fundamentalist Christian followers are not particularly concerned with the current breakdown of the federal system: they are awaiting the rapture. The concept of living out eternity on Earth as one of the chosen few is likened to a drug. The similarities between current events and some interpretations… Read more

  • Deprogramming The MAGA Cult

    Deprogramming The MAGA Cult

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and brainwashing use similar methods to rewire the brain to achieve a change in thinking. Both are somewhat controversial. While CBT is guided by a therapist, it is largely performed by the subject on themselves. Brainwashing, on the other hand, is carried out by a controlling person or group through various… Read more

  • If it Walks Like a Duck

    If it Walks Like a Duck

    The Ricketts Family, Political Influence, and Nebraska’s Senate Shake-Up In January 2023, significant political movements took place that highlighted the Ricketts family’s influence in Nebraska and beyond. One of the most notable events was Ben Sasse’s resignation from his Senate seat in Nebraska. Sasse stepped down on January 8, 2023, to assume the position of… Read more

  • Take Care of Number One

    Take Care of Number One

    If you are feeling overwhelmed in these challenging political times, you are not alone. While the election results may reflect a close divide, it remains uncertain how many voters were disenfranchised or simply disengaged. Additionally, the full impact of upcoming policy changes is yet to be seen. People react to such changes in different ways—some… Read more